Sunday, April 15, 2012

A “Ben & Jerry’s” Kind Of Day…

Yes, that is right. I am currently indulging in Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk ice cream and listening to 21 by Adele. Apparently, 1200 calories, 80 grams of fat, and some depressing lovey-dovey music is all I need today. It has just been one of those days… The kind where you absolutely cannot turn off your brain. Which is probably why I am blogging, since it has been almost 2 months since my last post. What better way to vent than to write???? If you can think of anything else (ice cream and music aside) that works, please, let me know. J

Of all the songs on this CD that touches me the most, I think this song takes the cake. I feel like I totally could have written this song at so many points in my life. Including now. Adele has to be one of my favorite artists. I can feel her love for music through her powerful lyrics and melodies... She is incredible. I wish I could share my life with the world as she has done and continues to do. Me, however, I am stuck just blogging out my feelings. That is not to say that I don't enjoy writing, because I really do. I just wish that I could help people in the way I feel that she does... I don't know. Maybe I do???

Anyways. Life. What a handful it is right now. I really want to vent about what is weighing so heavily on my mind, but honestly, it worries me to talk about it. I am afraid that talking to the world about it will just make it that much more real... And then it will hurt even more. L (HEADS UP: If you really don't want to hear someone complain, then mayyyybe you should find another blog haha.) 

I have gained a testimony of something lately that I didn't think I needed to gain a testimony of... Silly me, thinking that I knew everything! I have learned that Heavenly Father puts certain people in our lives to give us HOPE. They may never know of the hope they give us, but we certainly know it, and we know that we will never forget them. Never ever. Even if that person is in our lives for a very limited time, it is an experience we will never forget or want to forget. I have had this happen to me multiple times in my life, but only today did I realize how greatly it impacts my perspective on life. When someone comes into your life and rekindles a fire you didn't know had died, lifts your spirits when you didn't know they were sinking, refreshes your every day when you didn't know that they were cloudy, your life is changed... Guhh, here come the tears. It seems to me that the best lessons I have ever learned have been the ones in which tears have accompanied me along the way. 

I can hardly quiet my brain long enough to collect my thoughts and write. I think I need a nap. 

Well, it is a short post, but it is still a post nonetheless. 

If you are reading this, smile. J Though my heart is a little achey, I am still smiling, because it always feels so good. A smile can brighten someone's day!!!! And the thought of that, in turn, brightens my day.

Happy Sunday!! Remember, the Lord loves you. A whooooooole lot.


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