Monday, April 16, 2012

Words That The Heart Can't Express.

"Tears are words that the heart can't express."

Story of my life.

School (a.k.a. "shhh-oool") is upon us here at BYU-I, and I have to say, it could not have come at a better time. These next few weeks will be a time of transition, to say the least.

I am seriously contemplating taking a trip to Italy this summer. Or somewhere in Europe. I want to get away so badly... Anybody want to join me? I have wanted to go to Italy for so long now... And it seems like something I could legitimately do. It would cause me severe financial strain, but I feel like it would be worth it a million times over. So... We will see.

I would love to pack everything I own into a backpack, buy a one-way ticket to Europe, and just GO. Too bad I have a life I have to live. Psh.

I really need to write more. I have gotten into the habit of just bottling up my emotions instead of finding a way to express them... Then, explosion moment occurs, and I find myself a total wreck. I found some great quotes on Pinterest today. One of them really stuck out to me. "People cry not because they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long." I really clung to this, because I am definitely a crier. I feel like it is one of the healthiest ways to express any emotion, so I definitely take advantage of it. Crying to me is a sign of strength, not weakness. When you cry, you say "Hey world! Yeah, I am crying, and I am proud to do so, because I am able to accept the fact that life is challenging right now. With each tear that falls, I gain a small drop of strength to pick myself up and move on. You can laugh and mock and do whatever you want, but this broken heart has cried more tears than you could ever imagine, and look how strong those tears have made me!" Which reminds me of yet another quote... "Never be afraid to fall apart, because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along."

Our trials truly do shape us in ways we often don't realize we need shaping. Though it is hard, when trails come, I try my hardest to figure out what positive lesson I can take from the experience. Every cloud has a silver lining, right??

I swear I could type all night. My fingers have a lot to say tonight... Unfortunately, I can not do such a thing. bed calls me. Though, I almost don't want to sleep. Last night was a tossy-turny night full of nightmares. Hopefully, tonight will be better.

Good night world. J I love you!!!

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