Thursday, November 17, 2011


I need to "release" before I delve into the mountain of homework I have... Right now, I just can't focus.

I am a vent-er. I know that the best way to get your feelings out is to either talk to someone, or write them down. I guess by venting on a blog, you are essentially doing both (though I am not sure anyone actually reads this... yet). 

Well, I'm in a mood, and I want to get out of it.

Sometimes, I just get soooo frustrated. Normally, I handle my emotions well, but recently, I have been loosing my temper. Don't ask me why. I have no idea. I'm guessing it has something to do with stress and exhaustion... Nasty combo, let me tell you. And the worst part is that I know when I am going to get frustrated and have a minor "freak-out", but I rarely stop myself. 

Anyone else have this problem???

Lately, I have just been closing my eyes when frustration peaks and asking Heavenly Father to help me be patient, loving, compassionate, and more patient! I hate taking my anger out on others, because I love everyone so much... So then I just feel downright poopy. (Sad face). :(

I have so much to be happy about, yet I let that fact slip away a midst the unhappiness and stresses of everyday life. Every time I start getting down about anything, Heavenly Father shows me that I have nothing to complain about. I love being humbled, no matter how terrible I may feel at the time. Every time I am put into a situation where I am humbled, I feel the love of Heavenly Father being poured over me. He loves us all so much that He is willing to humble us when we need it.

I love that I know I have someone who loves me perfectly and infinitely. We all are going to make mistakes in life, but no matter what mistakes we may make, His arms are open, outstretched towards us, waiting for us to return to His loving embrace. It is amazing to think that just two short years ago, I had no idea. I want so badly for everyone to find what I have found; to know what I know about Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ... There is so much to know, so many things that will bring you immense joy... 

I need to loose myself in these things. The joys in my life are evident in all that I do. I have been through a lot in my short 19 (almost 20!) years. Never have I enjoyed such joy and so many blessings as I do now. I know that these blessings will pour out upon me as I continue to humble myself and improve, and to turn to my Savior in all situations. 

Including when I am frustrated. 

“Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith.” (Mosiah 23:21)

“Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” 

I have some things that I really need to work on.

1 comment:

  1. You are, like THE biggest fan of venting ever. Oh how I know that.
