Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rules (Ugh): Why Do We Have Them??? (Mormons vs. Skinny Jeans)

Being a student at BYU Idaho, I have been alerted recently to the skinny jean scandal. In case you have no idea what I am talking about, there has been some rumored controversy concerning the "banning" if skinny jeans on the BYU-I campus. To read an article about the controversy (and a very biased one, at that), click here. Keep in mind, the article you will be reading is a website in the United Kingdom... Like, in-a-whole-nother-part-of-the-world United Kingdom... To read another artcile from Deseret News (the official church news), click herrrreeee.

This, my friends, is a perfect example of how quickly rumors fly.

The point of my post is to address RULES. BYU-I is infamous for having a very strict set of rules and standards that exceed even those already-strict rules and standards set by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Why do we have rules? I mean, anyone knows that it is not a sin to wear flip-flops, or shorts, or for men to have a beard.

It seems like every day, I hear someone complaining about the rules. My response? "Well, we all chose to be here, so if you don't like it, leave!" (Irritated face).

During my Book of Mormon class the other day, I came across a scripture that stood out to me more than usual. "Now they did not suppose that asalvation came by the blaw of Moses; but the law of Moses did serve to strengthen their faith in Christ; and thus they did retain a chope through faith, unto eternal salvation, relying upon the spirit of prophecy, which spake of those things to come" (Alma 25: 16). 

If I may, let me explain a little bit about The Law of Moses as I understand it. Wikipedia defines The Law of Moses as "a term first found in Joshua 8:31-32 where Joshua writes the words of 'The Law of Moses' on the altar at Mount Ebal." They are a set of ancient rules, codes, and regulations given to the people in ancient times through direct revelation from God. The people were expected to follow the Law of Moses in order to show that they were obedient in all the ways God asked them to be. The Law of Moses is split into 3 "codes", beginning with the Ten Commandments (found in Exodus 20:1-17). The second code contained The Ordinances, or the spiritual code. This "included a complete Christology (doctrine of Christ), and was designed to present Christ as the only Savior." The third code contained The Judgements, or the social code. It outlined "the divine laws of establishment applied to social living... [Regards to] diet, sanitation, quarantine, soil conservation, taxation, military service, how to spend a honeymoon, what to do about divorce, slavery, inheritances, and more, were all [defined]." 

The guidelines included in The Judgements were very extreme, as you might be able to infer. I mean, who can tell you how to spend your honeymoon??? There is even one section that directs that a man can not touch a woman who is menstruating... Now, if you are anything like me, you might see these guidelines as "strict" or "insane" or "a little wacky". However we may feel about them, they were laws established by the Lord. Because of this, the people lived by The Law of Moses and were greatly blessed. They showed their dedication to their Heavenly Father by following the guidelines He set for them.

So, how does this apply to rules here at BYU-I? Let me first show you what happens when I change a few words from Alma 25:16... "Now they did not suppose that asalvation came by the [Rules at BYU Idaho]; but the [Rules of BYU Idaho] did serve to strengthen their faith in Christ; and thus they did retain a chope through faith, unto eternal salvation, relying upon the spirit of prophecy, which spake of those things to come" (Alma 25;16; brackets edited from original text).

I hope you can see my point it all of this. The rules here at BYU-I and all of the rules of the Church are given to us by direct revelation from Heavenly Father. He loves us, and He knows what is best for us. When we follow His rules, no matter how strange we may feel they are or no matter how much society ridicules us for following those rules, our faith in Him will be strengthened, and we will be taken care of. These rules will ensure that we will be more easily able to have the Spirit with us (and especially on this campus). People will mock us for our beliefs (just as I was mocked the other day for not drinking coffee because "Well, it isn't in the Bible!"), but we must stand up for them and live by example because Heavenly Father has asked us to. Our lives should be about following His will, not doing whatever we want. 

So, if BYU-I really does ban skinny jeans, I will follow the rule because I know that Heavenly Father will bless me for my willingness to be obedient. 

BYU-I has an amazing, unique, spiritual feeling to it that other schools, even BYU Provo, do not have. I would never want to loose this feeling. Yes, our rules make us different, but if we have the right attitude, following these rules can make us "different" in the best way possible. 


  1. Another interesting thing about the Law of Moses is why it was given. Simply, the children of Israel showed that they were incapable of living the higher law that was about to be given to them. Many question the rules for missionaries established by the First Presidency i.e. by revelation from the Lord. The simple reason for many of the rules is because mistakes were made and rules had to be set in place so those mistakes were not repeated. Whatever the reason for the rules, Heavenly Father himself says in Abraham 3:25 "And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do ALL things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command of them." Need we any more reason to be obedient?
    Well said, Alicia.

  2. Alicia,

    Again, I am filled with utter joy at how much you have grown this past year or so. I share the same passion for these set of rules here at BYU-I. I love this school, more than I can adequately express in words. This love has driven me to be obedient to the honor code, no matter what the cost. When one is obedient, they receive blessings. PERIOD. Have a little faith people, and remember what you signed up for (eternally and temporally)! Way to go Alicia!
