Friday, December 23, 2011

The End of A Year-a.

(Get it? Like, "The End of an Era"??? Oh well, I tried.)

Sitting in Barnes & Noble in the Grand Teton Mall in Idaho Falls, Idaho, listening to the CD Bon Iver. Here, take a minute to sample what my ears are currently enjoying :)

("Perth" by Bon Iver)

I know that everyone always says how so much has happened since their last post, and it gets all cliche and what-not, but seriously, SO MUCH has happened since my last post. It has only been 13 days... But I think I mean more of "a lot has happened since the last time I spent time really talking about what has been going on with me."

Anyways. So. School is OUT. But what I great semester I have had :) I managed to maintain a 3.94 GPA (a.k.a. I got only one A-, but I am working on getting that fixed!) and finish the semester strong. Finals were a drag, especially since I was also working a full week, but I put all of my energy into doing well, and I am really proud of myself. That proud-ness really hit me when I found out that because of my grades, I am receiving a full tuition scholarship to BYU Idaho. That is already on top of the quarter tuition scholarship I received for this year, plus the full tuition Pell Grant I received from the Federal Government. I feel so blessed right now.

I have never in my life been so proud of my grades, or myself, for that matter. I don't know why I was given the brain I was given, but I have come to love it so much. Everyday, I find things about myself that I love. What an experience that has been! Over the past 2 years, I went from never saying a good thing about myself, to all of the sudden not having anything bad to say... It has been quite a journey, but I am truly loving life and loving myself. I am grateful for every hard moment I have endured because those moments have shaped me into who I am. No, I am not perfect, and I have a lot of things that I need to work on, but I have never, ever, EVER been so comfortable in my own skin. I don't know why I wasted so many precious years thinking terrible things about myself... Because there are not many feelings that are much sweeter that loving who you are :)

I am currently working at Macy's in the Grand Teton Mall in Idaho Falls, and LOVING it! The hours have been tough lately because of the holidays, but having a job makes me feel like I am really accomplishing things in life. Even though I know I won't be making a career out of Macy's, it really does make my life a little more complete. Maybe because I know how many people in the world right now are suffering because they are not employed... I hear about it all of the time. Part of me feels guilty because I was able to find a job so quickly and be successful in it, while the other part of me feels eternally grateful to be as blessed as I am. This job was only supposed to be a temporary holiday job, but at the last minute, a full-time position opened up and was given to me. As I sit here and count my blessings, my heart swells with joy and gratitude. I get a little choked up (yes, I know I am a cry baby) when I think of all of the directions I could have taken that would have taken me in a completely different direction... I seriously cannot express enough how happy I am to be me, to be where I am, to be who I am, to have the people in my life that I have, to know what I know... I don't know why, but lately, just being ALIVE has brought me so much happiness. The fact that I am alive has never mattered much to me, but dang, what a blessing it is to be alive!!!

With a new job comes new friends... I am so thankful to work with the people I work with :) I have made special new friend who has made an immense impact on my life after only a week... So, we will see where that journey takes me ;)

As I get older, I realize so many new things on a daily basis. For example, the whole "happy to be alive" thing. It's like as you get older, your mental "vision" improves on a daily basis. Or maybe it is just me. But I just feel like my mind is continually expanding, able to take in more information, process new things, see things in a new light, see old things in ways you had never seen then before... Being an adult is difficult sometimes, but I am really loving it :)

The weather in Idaho has been a fun new experience!!!! Repeat after me: "Freeze-off-your-digits, nose-numbing, ear-freezing, car-troubling, roads-freezing, hot-chocolate-needing, blanket-demanding, snot-icicle-ing COOOOOLLLDDDDD!!!!" You truly do not know cold until you have been outside in -13 degree F weather with a -15 degree F windchill... It makes me miss those mild California winters. But, I love it here regardless :) We don't have nearly as much snow now as we should, which I am okay with. Idaho snow is really dry. It makes the road a treacherous disaster! I have never slid through so many intersections in my life!!! Thank goodness they have all been empty side streets... :) I think a trip to the hot springs in in serious order :)

This Christmas season is rather bitter-sweet for me. As I count those blessings I have been talking about, I realize that I am missing a huge blessing... My family. I can not go home for the holidays due to lack of money and having to work. This is the first time I have not spent any Christmas time with my mom and dad, and man, it is not fun :( Especially when I am at work hearing about all of the things people are doing for Christmas with their families... But I know that I will see them again, and I know that I have their love and support in my life. So for that, I am grateful :) I also have a wonderful family that I am staying with for the Christmas break, and I get to spend Christmas with that friend that I enjoy so much :) No matter what, it will be a good day.

This time of year is so full of life and love. Yes, there are many people in the world who do not have it as good as I do, and I am reminded of that almost daily when people tell me how they cannot afford to buy presents for their families or even pay for the necessities in life. Part of me also has such a hard time with what "Christmas" has become. To me Christmas is about being with family and the people I love, and appreciating those I cannot be with. It is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, without whom, life would not be as it is. It is about being grateful for what I have. The commercial Christmas that has been built in American Society often disgusts me... But I try my hardest not to pass judgement. Life is what it is; I can only do what I can to make my life as good as possible, not dwell on the lives of the people around me.

I probably won't post much after today, so I wanted to talk just a little bit about this year that has come and gone. My mom always told me how quickly life seems to pass you by as you get older... I see the truth in her words every year that goes by. Because of the increasing speed that life seems to take on, I try to "grab life by the horns". I really do appreciate every single moment, ever breath, every hurt, every smile, every tear, every laugh... I want to look back on this time of my life with a fond heart. I want to be proud of what I was doing and what I accomplished. This year has helped to shape and solidify me in more ways than I thought possible. As I reflect, I am overwhelmed with emotions. I read an interesting article that I would like to share. It made me really think about life in a new sense. Maybe that is where this new found sense of loving life has come from?

Read it here :)

I'm in a "deep" mood today. Hence, the novel of a post haha. And, if you know me at all, you know that I like to talk. So, I apologize for the lengthiness, but I also hope you have enjoyed tapping into my brain a little bit :) And I hope it made sense. Often times, I can't even figure myself out!

I hope you have a blessed and merry Christmas. Take advantage of every moment of every day. Each moment is precious in itself.

Ho, ho, ho :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Expectations (a.k.a. Disapointment).

I'm tired of being disappointed by those around me. It seems like every time I turn around, another lie is being told, another "half-truth" is being said, another twist of the knife...

I hate that I always seem to find out the things I really didn't want to know. I wish I could live in an idealized world where every expectation I had of those around me was always lived up to; a world where no one ever disappointed anyone else. THAT would be such an amazing place to live in.

My heart feels pretty torn right now. Thankfully, I have people in my life to help me, even if those people who do the most healing are the most unexpected... I am so grateful for the people in my life who do not disappoint me. You know who you are :)

I guess I should stop venting and start cramming for finals... Honestly, all I want to do is snuggle into bed, hug my pillow, and listen to my music as the days pass me by.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rules (Ugh): Why Do We Have Them??? (Mormons vs. Skinny Jeans)

Being a student at BYU Idaho, I have been alerted recently to the skinny jean scandal. In case you have no idea what I am talking about, there has been some rumored controversy concerning the "banning" if skinny jeans on the BYU-I campus. To read an article about the controversy (and a very biased one, at that), click here. Keep in mind, the article you will be reading is a website in the United Kingdom... Like, in-a-whole-nother-part-of-the-world United Kingdom... To read another artcile from Deseret News (the official church news), click herrrreeee.

This, my friends, is a perfect example of how quickly rumors fly.

The point of my post is to address RULES. BYU-I is infamous for having a very strict set of rules and standards that exceed even those already-strict rules and standards set by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Why do we have rules? I mean, anyone knows that it is not a sin to wear flip-flops, or shorts, or for men to have a beard.

It seems like every day, I hear someone complaining about the rules. My response? "Well, we all chose to be here, so if you don't like it, leave!" (Irritated face).

During my Book of Mormon class the other day, I came across a scripture that stood out to me more than usual. "Now they did not suppose that asalvation came by the blaw of Moses; but the law of Moses did serve to strengthen their faith in Christ; and thus they did retain a chope through faith, unto eternal salvation, relying upon the spirit of prophecy, which spake of those things to come" (Alma 25: 16). 

If I may, let me explain a little bit about The Law of Moses as I understand it. Wikipedia defines The Law of Moses as "a term first found in Joshua 8:31-32 where Joshua writes the words of 'The Law of Moses' on the altar at Mount Ebal." They are a set of ancient rules, codes, and regulations given to the people in ancient times through direct revelation from God. The people were expected to follow the Law of Moses in order to show that they were obedient in all the ways God asked them to be. The Law of Moses is split into 3 "codes", beginning with the Ten Commandments (found in Exodus 20:1-17). The second code contained The Ordinances, or the spiritual code. This "included a complete Christology (doctrine of Christ), and was designed to present Christ as the only Savior." The third code contained The Judgements, or the social code. It outlined "the divine laws of establishment applied to social living... [Regards to] diet, sanitation, quarantine, soil conservation, taxation, military service, how to spend a honeymoon, what to do about divorce, slavery, inheritances, and more, were all [defined]." 

The guidelines included in The Judgements were very extreme, as you might be able to infer. I mean, who can tell you how to spend your honeymoon??? There is even one section that directs that a man can not touch a woman who is menstruating... Now, if you are anything like me, you might see these guidelines as "strict" or "insane" or "a little wacky". However we may feel about them, they were laws established by the Lord. Because of this, the people lived by The Law of Moses and were greatly blessed. They showed their dedication to their Heavenly Father by following the guidelines He set for them.

So, how does this apply to rules here at BYU-I? Let me first show you what happens when I change a few words from Alma 25:16... "Now they did not suppose that asalvation came by the [Rules at BYU Idaho]; but the [Rules of BYU Idaho] did serve to strengthen their faith in Christ; and thus they did retain a chope through faith, unto eternal salvation, relying upon the spirit of prophecy, which spake of those things to come" (Alma 25;16; brackets edited from original text).

I hope you can see my point it all of this. The rules here at BYU-I and all of the rules of the Church are given to us by direct revelation from Heavenly Father. He loves us, and He knows what is best for us. When we follow His rules, no matter how strange we may feel they are or no matter how much society ridicules us for following those rules, our faith in Him will be strengthened, and we will be taken care of. These rules will ensure that we will be more easily able to have the Spirit with us (and especially on this campus). People will mock us for our beliefs (just as I was mocked the other day for not drinking coffee because "Well, it isn't in the Bible!"), but we must stand up for them and live by example because Heavenly Father has asked us to. Our lives should be about following His will, not doing whatever we want. 

So, if BYU-I really does ban skinny jeans, I will follow the rule because I know that Heavenly Father will bless me for my willingness to be obedient. 

BYU-I has an amazing, unique, spiritual feeling to it that other schools, even BYU Provo, do not have. I would never want to loose this feeling. Yes, our rules make us different, but if we have the right attitude, following these rules can make us "different" in the best way possible. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Life Can Be Hard.

Like, really, really, REALLY hard. 

However, I am alive. I have a job! I have a roof over my head. I am able to go to an amazing university. I have a loving mom and dad that help me soooo much. I have the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that Heavenly Father loves and cares about me. I have a Savior to turn to whenever I need help. I have the scriptures that allow me to receive the guidance and comfort I need. I have the ability to have the Holy Ghost with me, to lead me and help me whenever I need it. I have friends that are beyond amazing.

I have so much to be thankful for. Many more things than I have listed here. 

So, on this Sunday, as I sit and ponder life, these scriptures continue to come to my mind... They are out of The Doctrine and Covenants, a set of scriptures used by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Written by Joseph Smith, received through revelation, I know that the words contained in these scriptures are truth.

 "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands." (Doctrine & Covenants 121:7-9)
No matter what happens to us in this life, it makes up only a small moment of our existence in an eternal perspective.
I also stumbled across this picture...

 When Heavenly Father closes a door, He always opens a window.
I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church of God. I know that the Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price are all inspired works of God. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet. I know that Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of the world, and that through the process of repentance, anyone can be forgiven of their sins. I know that the temple is a house of the Lord. I know that through sacred covenants made in the temple, families can be together forever. I know that Heavenly Father established a Plan of Happiness that if followed, can lead to eternal life and eternal happiness. This church and it's truths have changed my life. I am eternally grateful.
I say these things, humbly, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sometimes, I Wish.

Sometimes, I wish that I could fly.
Sometimes, I wish there was no pain.
Sometimes, I wish tears never had to be shed.
Sometimes, I wish I could take back all of my regrets.
Sometimes, I wish for the clouds to part.
Sometimes, I wish I didn't know some truths.
Sometimes, I wish I could heal broken hearts.
Sometimes, I wish everyone knew God like I know Him.
Sometimes, I wish I could stop disappointing myself.
Sometimes, I wish the rain would stop.
Sometimes, I wish I knew what to do.
Sometimes, I wish I didn't have to make choices.
Sometimes, I wish my feet weren't so cold.
Sometimes, I wish the voids would fill with love.
Sometimes, I wish I could sing my cares away.
Sometimes, I wish people would forgive.
Sometimes, I wish I wouldn't complain.
Sometimes, I wish I had never caused pain.
Sometimes, I wish I could climb under a rock.
Sometimes, I wish I could shout from a mountain top.
Sometimes, I wish I could cure anything with a hug.
Sometimes, I wish people never had to die.
Sometimes, I wish I could be a child again.
Sometimes, I wish my nose wouldn't run when I cried.
Sometimes, I wish cats were allowed at my apartment.
Sometimes, I wish the dishes were always done.
Sometimes, I wish money didn't exist.
Sometimes, I wish love didn't always have to hurt.
Sometimes, I wish I could change my past.
Sometimes, I wish food wasn't necessary for life.
Sometimes, I wish I could sleep all day.
Sometimes, I wish my parents weren't so far away.
Sometimes, I wish everyone knew I loved them.
Sometimes, I wish I could savor those little moments forever.
Sometimes, I wish my homework would do itself.
Sometimes, I wish I could see the good in everything I do.
Sometimes, I wish all shoes were waterproof.
Sometimes, I wish I could see what others see in me.
Sometimes, I wish I could truly live by example.
Sometimes, I wish I could save the world.
Sometimes, I wish I could save myself from the world.
Sometimes, I wish medical things weren't so expensive.
Sometimes, I wish my car ran on water.
Sometimes, I wish society loved curves.
Sometimes, I wish I could see into my future.
Sometimes, I wish I could be the best me possible.
Sometimes, I wish I would realize that I can do anything.
Sometimes, I wish.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"And on the Seventh Day..."

Ahhhhhh. Yet another wonderful Sunday to go down in the history books :)

I love Sundays. Seriously. Even people who are not religious should be thankful for Sundays!!! :P

But really. Has anyone ever wondered exactly why we have Saturday and Sunday off {in most cases} from work or school??? It is because back in the "good-ol'-days", people were given a day to worship. For some, that was on Saturday, and for others, that was in Sunday. So "they" {I love how "they" is always used to describe some "person" out there who does a ton of different stuff} decided that we would all have Saturday and Sunday as our days of rest! Cool, I know.

I learned so many wonderful things in church today. I have to admit that sometimes, 3 hours of church can be a little much... Especially when you are tired and stressed out form school/ But I have learned that when my attitude towards church is positive and I go into it hoping to learn and become better and stronger, I enjoy it soooo much! I was able to share my testimony many times today, and I was even given the opportunity to speak of the time when I was preparing to be baptized. I love talking about my conversion. It strengthens me so much to look back on how much I went through to get to where I am now. I am so blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I hope that you were able to enjoy your Sunday as much as I enjoyed mine.

I love this scripture so much. I look to it whenever I am feeling down and unable to bare my burdens...

"And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that you will stand as witnesses for me hereafter,  and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions." (Mosiah 24:14)

Until next time :)

Friday, November 18, 2011


Iwillnotfreakout. Iwillnotfreakout. I. WILL. NOT. FREAK. OUT!!!!!

Okay, I am freaking out.

I hate double standards. Hypocrites! Ughhhhh.

Anyone else have that problem??

I feel like I go through so much of my life living up to other people's expectations and requests of me. Yet, those same people don't do the things that they expect me to do. Which leads to me getting frustrated. And a frustrated me is not enjoyable in the least.

This has been such a stressful week :( Thanksgiving break couldn't get here any sooner.

I can't even collect my thoughts into words right now... (Frustrated face).

Technology: A Blessing, Or A Curse???

My life is consumed with technology. I seriously could not survive a day without it! Not by choice, but by the demand that is placed on everyone everyday to use technology. For example, ALL of my classes have some sort of online submission system, whether it is tests, quizzes, assignments, reading, ect. Not to mention the countless hours I personally spend on Facebook, Pinterest, or other time-consuming websites. And the countless hours I spend texting. So I have been thinking a lot about technology and its function in my life, and I am asking myself a very important question (and subsequently, you too!): Does technology consume your life??? Do you have control over how much time you spend using technology??? Are you addicted to technology???

So many wonderful things are being done that could not have otherwise been done because of technology. Every time I submit a paper online, I am saving paper, trees, and helping our environment. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is able to reach out to those with questions about the church through technology. Members of the church are able to do family history and work for their decease relatives. I am able to keep in contact with my friends and family using technology. People are able to be more informed about their world because of technology. In many, many ways, technology is a blessing.

Now to the other side of the coin: I'm sure many of us can name many aspects of the negative side of technology. It consumes people's lives, distracting them form their duties, whatever those may be. It destroys relationships, whether through addictions to technology itself, or through using it to become addicted to destructive things, such as pornography. It allows lies to be spread on a world-wide level. If we do not use technology correctly, it ultimately allows the adversary to infiltrate our minds and homes.

This topic really hit me last night when someone pointed out to me that I spend so much of my time on my computer when I should be spending time with them... That really hurt me, because I know it is true :( So, maybe, just maybe, I can help to spread awareness of just how consuming technology can be... Yes, in many ways, we need it to further our schooling, careers, and social life, but we are not and should not become slaves to technology. It is a blessing, but if we do not use it right and make sure we constantly stay in control of how much time we spend using technology, it will become a nasty curse.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, a member of the First Presidency of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, gave a talk in the April 2008 General Conference. {For those of you who do not know what General Conference is, it is a bi-annual conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah. This conference is put on by the church. During General Conference, leaders of the church assemble and give talks inspired by God to members of the church throughout the world. To find out more, I encourage you to visit to find out more!!} His talk is titled "A Matter of A Few Degrees". In it, he says this...

"This conference is being translated into 92 languages and broadcast to 96 countries by the miracle of modern technology. Many of you... attend general conference by means of the Internet. New technologies such as this make it possible for the gospel message to be spread throughout the world. The Church Web sites are good examples of how you can use this technology as a wonderful resource of inspiration, help, and learning. They can be a blessing for you priesthood holders, your families, and the Church.

But be cautious. These same technologies can allow evil influences to cross the threshold of your homes. These dangerous traps are only a mouse click away. Pornography, violence, intolerance, and ungodliness destroy families, marriages, and individual lives. These dangers are distributed through many media, including magazines, books, television, movies, and music, as well as the Internet. The Lord will help you to recognize and avoid those evils. It is the early recognition of danger and a clear course correction that will keep you in the light of the gospel. Minor decisions can lead to major consequences.

Entering a strange and risky chat room on the Internet could lead you into the center of a raging storm. Putting a computer in a private room that the rest of the family cannot access could be the starting point for a deceitful and dangerous journey.

But the Lord requires not only outward acts but also your inner thoughts and feelings to be close to the spirit of the law. God “require[s] the heart and a willing mind.”

Remember: the heavens will not be filled with those who never made mistakes but with those who recognized that they were off course and who corrected their ways to get back in the light of gospel truth."

To read the entire talk, click here. You will not be sorry if you do, I promise :)

Time to study! Until next time :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I need to "release" before I delve into the mountain of homework I have... Right now, I just can't focus.

I am a vent-er. I know that the best way to get your feelings out is to either talk to someone, or write them down. I guess by venting on a blog, you are essentially doing both (though I am not sure anyone actually reads this... yet). 

Well, I'm in a mood, and I want to get out of it.

Sometimes, I just get soooo frustrated. Normally, I handle my emotions well, but recently, I have been loosing my temper. Don't ask me why. I have no idea. I'm guessing it has something to do with stress and exhaustion... Nasty combo, let me tell you. And the worst part is that I know when I am going to get frustrated and have a minor "freak-out", but I rarely stop myself. 

Anyone else have this problem???

Lately, I have just been closing my eyes when frustration peaks and asking Heavenly Father to help me be patient, loving, compassionate, and more patient! I hate taking my anger out on others, because I love everyone so much... So then I just feel downright poopy. (Sad face). :(

I have so much to be happy about, yet I let that fact slip away a midst the unhappiness and stresses of everyday life. Every time I start getting down about anything, Heavenly Father shows me that I have nothing to complain about. I love being humbled, no matter how terrible I may feel at the time. Every time I am put into a situation where I am humbled, I feel the love of Heavenly Father being poured over me. He loves us all so much that He is willing to humble us when we need it.

I love that I know I have someone who loves me perfectly and infinitely. We all are going to make mistakes in life, but no matter what mistakes we may make, His arms are open, outstretched towards us, waiting for us to return to His loving embrace. It is amazing to think that just two short years ago, I had no idea. I want so badly for everyone to find what I have found; to know what I know about Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ... There is so much to know, so many things that will bring you immense joy... 

I need to loose myself in these things. The joys in my life are evident in all that I do. I have been through a lot in my short 19 (almost 20!) years. Never have I enjoyed such joy and so many blessings as I do now. I know that these blessings will pour out upon me as I continue to humble myself and improve, and to turn to my Savior in all situations. 

Including when I am frustrated. 

“Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith.” (Mosiah 23:21)

“Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” 

I have some things that I really need to work on.

Getting Used To This...

So, I had time to write today, but instead, I took a 2 hour nap with the most amazing person in the whole-wide world! :) Naps are seriously AHHHHMAZING. Especially when you are exhausted because you have been up since 6:30 AM this morning... Guh. Love being a college student!!! But seriously, I do. College is amazing! I am so blessed to be able to receive an education at a school that is centered around the teachings of Jesus Christ. Coming to this school has increased my testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the truths it holds. I am so blessed to be able to pursue my career goals. It gets tough sometimes, and yes, I am tired always, but I would not trade this experience for the world.

Recently, I have been able to experience something new and very foreign to me, and I have been thinking a lot about it lately. I am currently taking Anatomy & Physiology, and I looooove it!!! I am so certain that a medical career is what I am supposed to be pursing. So, our most recent topic in my anatomy lab has been the muscles of the body. In order to really understand how it works, we are required to study on cadavers. Yes, bodies of deceased people. Real bodies!!! At first, I was like, "Ugh. Weird. I dunno if I'm down with this..." But then again, I realize the importance of studying cadavers. Say you need to have open heart surgery. You go in for your consultation with a surgeon, and you find out that he is fresh out of Medical School! (Woohoo for him! That takes some serious time... and moolah $$$.) Then you find out that this person has never, ever seen the inside of a real person. Oh yeah, he has studies for weeeeeks on models, but never a real person! Would you want this man to open you up and slice into your heart??? My guess is So now, I realize the importance of cadavers!! No matter how important they are to science though, it does not make it any less weird to be seeing the inside of a deceased human being... To be playing with their dissected pieces... (Shivers.) But, every cloud has a silver lining, so here is mine in this case: Because I have been dealing with these cadavers multiple times a week, I have gained an incredible testimony of my beloved Heavenly Father and the fact that He totally knows what He is doing! Whenever you look at a person, you are seeing a complete soul. A soul is a combination of a body and a spirit. When I look at these cadavers, it is very apparent to me that they are not a soul, but instead, they are just a shell, or a "husk". Their soul is gone, and because of this, they are not whole. Some people say that we have no spirits... I urge those people to work with a dead body. Because even though I knew that everyone had a spirit, I had never truly experienced it. I know for a fact now that we are all special, individual, beloved spirits that are extremely important to our Heavenly Father.

I love college!!! :)

(Actually, right now, I am sitting in my Child Development class... I should be listening to my teacher talk about the material that I know I will be tested on eventually... Especially since she is an amazing woman, and I do respect her in so many ways... But apparently, I would rather ramble on about random things.)

My wonderful parents sent me a package today from Cabela's. It contained a 72-hour emergency dehydrated food kit! Mountain House Dehydrated Food... YUMMY. And I am not being sarcastic! So "yey!" for my wonderful, loving parents! I hope they know how much I love them and how much I appreciate all that they do for me.

My laptop is dying... Maybe I will write more later?? Or I could do productive things... But who wants to do that????

Until next time :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A New Beginning!

Introductions really aren't my thing. I mean, I love meeting new people, but I almost wish we lived in a world where we carried around a card that we could all swipe and store in our "databases" that gave us all of the information we would ever need to know about that person... I feel like that would be of great service to those of us who really don't like to introduce ourselves.

I can't say I don't like to talk about myself, because I have a blog... Which to me, is like a Facebook: You have one because you want others to know about you, and you only put things on there that make you look better.

My blog will not be like Facebook.

I'm a very honest person, and I am not shy about my feelings. I'm the girl in my classes that is always sharing deep, intense personal stories with the entire class during discussions. I'm not afraid to share who I am, where I have been, and how I have gotten to this point in time.

This point in time is me, sitting on a couch in a lounge, waiting for my significant other to get out of class :) I should be doing my homework, but after a recent addiction to another blog, I have been inspired to revive mine. I had an old blog, but deleted it to start anew. Hence, the title, "A New Beginning".

As you may also have inferred from the title of this blog, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as a Mormon. I am currently attending Brigham Young University - Idaho, which is an LDS school. (LDS stands for "Latter-day Saint", if you were unaware. We Mormons have a ton of acronyms!). I am a recent convert into the church. I was baptized on July 24, 2010. Best decision I could have ever made.

This blog will essentially be my journal. I know that very few people will read it, but I hope that for those of you who do, you will get something out of my words. My brain is a complex place. Even I have a hard time with it on occasion. But it is my hope and prayer that through this blog, I can bring joy, comfort, peace, happiness, or even love to someone who reads it.

Recently, I have become addicted to a blog that is helping me in ways I never knew I would need help in.

This woman is amazing. I found her while searching for some peace and answers to a question that plagues my mind on a daily basis... She is also LDS. She is the wife of a man enlisted in the United States Army. She, like me, is very passionate about English (I am, however, a nursing major). Her words are emotional, raw, powerful... They are everything I have needed recently. I urge you to take a peek at the treasures she has to offer. You will not be disappointed, I promise :)

Well, I have homework to do... So, I will say "good-bye" for now.

Until next time :)